Vijay Kumar Pothapragada (Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering)
Transient Aspects of Unloading Gas-Lift Wells
(79 pp.- Six Chapters)
Directed by Professor Zelimir Schmidt
(129 words)

A model for predicting transient two-phase flow behavior in wellbores during unloading of a gas lift well has been developed. The model consists of a drift flux formulation based on two-phase flow equations.

The model is solved numerically using a staggered grid, subdividing the flow field into cells. The drift flux balance equations are approximated inside the cell or at the cell boundaries. The resultant system of equations is solved simultaneously using a finite difference scheme.

Sample simulation runs are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the model. Some limitations of the model are discussed by comparing different simulation runs. The results show that the model can analyze existing gas-lift designs that use steady state conditions, and also show how the performance differs for each run in transient conditions.

Download thesis (TUALP members only)